Energy Converter
Energy Converter
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Energy Converter

Welcome to the Energy Converter! With this powerful tool, you can effortlessly convert between different units of energy measurement. Whether you’re working with kilojoules, joules, kilocalories, calories, kilowatt-hours, watt-hours, electronvolts, British thermal units, US therms, or foot-pounds, our converter has got you covered.

Using our user-friendly interface, simply input the energy value in your desired unit, and our converter will swiftly provide you with the equivalent energy in all other units. Whether you’re involved in scientific research, engineering projects, or simply curious about energy conversions, our Energy Converter will simplify your calculations and ensure accuracy.

Discover popular energy-converters:

Kilojoule to Joule or Joule to Kilojoule

To convert kilojoules (kJ) to joules (J), you need to multiply the value in kilojoules by 1000. {Joules = Kilojoules * 1000}

To convert joules (J) to kilojoules (kJ), you need to divide the value in joules by 1000. {Kilojoules = Joules / 1000}

Joule to Kilocalorie or Kilocalorie to Joule

To convert joules (J) to kilocalories (kcal), you need to divide the value in joules by 4.184. {Kilocalories = Joules / 4.184}

To convert kilocalories (kcal) to joules (J), you need to multiply the value in kilocalories by 4.184. {Joules = Kilocalories * 4.184}

Kilocalorie to Joule

To convert kilocalories (kcal) to joules (J), you need to multiply the value in kilocalories by 4,184. {Joules = Kilocalories * 4,184}

Joule to Calorie or Calorie to Joule

To convert joules (J) to calories (cal), you need to divide the value in joules by 4.184. {Calories = Joules / 4.184}

To convert calories (cal) to joules (J), you need to multiply the value in calories by 4.184. {Joules = Calories * 4.184}

Joule to Watt Hour or Watt Hour to Joule

To convert joules (J) to watt-hours (Wh), you need to divide the value in joules by 3600. {Watt-hours = Joules / 3600}

To convert watt-hours (Wh) to joules (J), you need to multiply the value in watt-hours by 3600. {Joules = Watt-hours * 3600}

What is Energy?

In simple words, energy is the ability to do work. According to the law of conservation of energy, energy cannot be created or destroyed; it can only be transformed from one form to another. This means that the total amount of energy in a closed system remains constant over time.

Energy is typically measured in the International System of Units (SI) using the joule (symbol: J). The joule is the fundamental unit of energy and is defined as the work done or energy transferred when a force of one newton acts on an object and displaces it by one meter in the direction of the force.

Fortunately, the advent of energy converter tools has simplified the process of converting between different energy units. These tools enable users to seamlessly switch between units such as Kilojoule, Joule, Kilocalorie, Calorie, Kilowatt-hour, Watt-hour, Electronvolt, British thermal unit, US therm, and Foot-pound.

Although there are many units of energy, this energy converter only supports:

Energy Converter

  1. Kilojoule
  2. Joule
  3. Kilocalorie
  4. Calorie
  5. Kilowatt-hour
  6. Watt-hour
  7. Electronvolt
  8. British thermal unit
  9. US therm
  10. Foot-pound


The kilojoule is a unit of energy in the International System of Units (SI). It represents 1,000 joules. Energy in the form of kilojoules is commonly used to measure food calories, nutritional values, and energy content in various processes.

Conversion table of Kilojoule
Kilojoule to Joule: 1 kilojoule = 1000 joules
Kilojoule to Kilocalorie: 1 kilojoule = 0.239006 kilocalories
Kilojoule to Calorie: 1 kilojoule = 239.006 calories
Kilojoule to Kilowatt-hour: 1 kilojoule = 0.000277778 kilowatt-hours
Kilojoule to Watt-hour: 1 kilojoule = 1 watt-hour
Kilojoule to Electronvolt: 1 kilojoule = 6.242 × 10^21 electronvolts
Kilojoule to British thermal unit: 1 kilojoule = 0.947817 British thermal units
Kilojoule to US therm: 1 kilojoule = 9.47817 × 10^-6 US therms
Kilojoule to Foot-pound: 1 kilojoule = 737.562 foot-pounds


The joule is the SI unit of energy. It is named after James Prescott Joule, a British physicist who contributed to the field of thermodynamics. One joule is equal to the amount of energy transferred when a force of one newton is applied over a distance of one meter.

Conversion table of Joule
Joule to Kilojoule: 1 joule = 0.001 kilojoules
Joule to Kilocalorie: 1 joule = 0.000239006 kilocalories
Joule to Calorie: 1 joule = 0.239006 calories
Joule to Kilowatt-hour: 1 joule = 2.77778 × 10^-7 kilowatt-hours
Joule to Watt-hour: 1 joule = 0.000277778 watt-hours
Joule to Electronvolt: 1 joule = 6.242 × 10^18 electronvolts
Joule to British thermal unit: 1 joule = 0.000947817 British thermal units
Joule to US therm: 1 joule = 9.47817 × 10^-9 US therms
Joule to Foot-pound: 1 joule = 0.737562 foot-pounds


The kilocalorie, often referred to as a “Calorie” (with an uppercase “C”), is a unit of energy commonly used in nutrition. It represents the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of one kilogram of water by one degree Celsius. One kilocalorie is equal to 1,000 calories.

Conversion table of Kilocalorie
Kilocalorie to Kilojoule: 1 kilocalorie = 4.184 kilojoules
Kilocalorie to Joule: 1 kilocalorie = 4184 joules
Kilocalorie to Calorie: 1 kilocalorie = 1000 calories
Kilocalorie to Kilowatt-hour: 1 kilocalorie = 0.00116222 kilowatt-hours
Kilocalorie to Watt-hour: 1 kilocalorie = 1.16222 watt-hours
Kilocalorie to Electronvolt: 1 kilocalorie = 7.735 × 10^22 electronvolts
Kilocalorie to British thermal unit: 1 kilocalorie = 3.96567 British thermal units
Kilocalorie to US therm: 1 kilocalorie = 3.96567 × 10^-5 US therms
Kilocalorie to Foot-pound: 1 kilocalorie = 3088.02 foot-pounds


The calorie (with a lowercase “c”) is a non-SI unit of energy. It is commonly used in everyday language and nutrition discussions. One calorie represents the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius.

Conversion table of Calorie
Calorie to Kilojoule: 1 calorie = 0.004184 kilojoules
Calorie to Joule: 1 calorie = 4.184 joules
Calorie to Kilocalorie: 1 calorie = 0.001 kilocalories
Calorie to Kilowatt-hour: 1 calorie = 1.16222 × 10^-6 kilowatt-hours
Calorie to Watt-hour: 1 calorie = 0.00116222 watt-hours
Calorie to Electronvolt: 1 calorie = 7.735 × 10^19 electronvolts
Calorie to British thermal unit: 1 calorie = 0.00396567 British thermal units
Calorie to US therm: 1 calorie = 3.96567 × 10^-8 US therms
Calorie to Foot-pound: 1 calorie = 3.08802 foot-pounds


The kilowatt-hour is a unit of energy commonly used to measure electricity consumption. It represents the amount of energy consumed or produced by using a power of one kilowatt over a period of one hour. It is often used by utility companies to measure and bill for electricity usage.

Conversion table of Kilowatt-Hour
Kilowatt-hour to Kilojoule: 1 kilowatt-hour = 3600 kilojoules
Kilowatt-hour to Joule: 1 kilowatt-hour = 3.6 × 10^6 joules
Kilowatt-hour to Kilocalorie: 1 kilowatt-hour = 860.421 kilocalories
Kilowatt-hour to Calorie: 1 kilowatt-hour = 860421 calories
Kilowatt-hour to Watt-hour: 1 kilowatt-hour = 1000 watt-hours
Kilowatt-hour to Electronvolt: 1 kilowatt-hour = 2.24694 × 10^26 electronvolts
Kilowatt-hour to British thermal unit: 1 kilowatt-hour = 3412.14 British thermal units
Kilowatt-hour to US therm: 1 kilowatt-hour = 0.0341214 US therms
Kilowatt-hour to Foot-pound: 1 kilowatt-hour = 2.65522 × 10^6 foot-pounds


The watt-hour is similar to the kilowatt-hour but on a smaller scale. It represents the amount of energy consumed or produced by using a power of one watt over a period of one hour. It is used for smaller electrical devices or to measure energy in specific applications.

Conversion table of Watt-hour
Watt-hour to Kilojoule: 1 watt-hour = 0.001 kilojoules
Watt-hour to Joule: 1 watt-hour = 3600 joules
Watt-hour to Kilocalorie: 1 watt-hour = 0.859845 kilocalories
Watt-hour to Calorie: 1 watt-hour = 859.845 calories
Watt-hour to Kilowatt-hour: 1 watt-hour = 0.001 kilowatt-hour
Watt-hour to Electronvolt: 1 watt-hour = 2.24694 × 10^23 electronvolts
Watt-hour to British thermal unit: 1 watt-hour = 3.41214 British thermal units
Watt-hour to US therm: 1 watt-hour = 3.41214 × 10^-5 US therms
Watt-hour to Foot-pound: 1 watt-hour = 2655.22 foot-pounds


The electronvolt is a unit of energy commonly used in atomic and particle physics. It represents the amount of energy gained or lost by a single electron when it moves across an electric potential difference of one volt.

Conversion table of Electronvolt
Electronvolt to Kilojoule: 1 electronvolt = 1.60218 × 10^-19 kilojoules
Electronvolt to Joule: 1 electronvolt = 1.60218 × 10^-19 joules
Electronvolt to Kilocalorie: 1 electronvolt = 3.82673 × 10^-23 kilocalories
Electronvolt to Calorie: 1 electronvolt = 3.82673 × 10^-20 calories
Electronvolt to Kilowatt-hour: 1 electronvolt = 4.45049 × 10^-26 kilowatt-hours
Electronvolt to Watt-hour: 1 electronvolt = 4.45049 × 10^-23 watt-hours
Electronvolt to British thermal unit: 1 electronvolt = 3.82929 × 10^-23 British thermal units
Electronvolt to US therm: 1 electronvolt = 3.82929 × 10^-27 US therms
Electronvolt to Foot-pound: 1 electronvolt = 1.18171 × 10^-19 foot-pounds

British thermal unit

The British thermal unit is a unit of energy commonly used in the United States and other countries that follow the British Imperial system. It represents the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of one pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit.

Conversion table of British thermal unit
British thermal unit to Kilojoule: 1 British thermal unit = 1.05506 kilojoules
British thermal unit to Joule: 1 British thermal unit = 1055.06 joules
British thermal unit to Kilocalorie: 1 British thermal unit = 0.251996 kilocalories
British thermal unit to Calorie: 1 British thermal unit = 251.996 calories
British thermal unit to Kilowatt-hour: 1 British thermal unit = 0.000293071 kilowatt-hours
British thermal unit to Watt-hour: 1 British thermal unit = 0.293071 watt-hours
British thermal unit to Electronvolt: 1 British thermal unit = 6.58514 × 10^21 electronvolts
British thermal unit to US therm: 1 British thermal unit = 1.00001 × 10^-5 US therm
British thermal unit to Foot-pound: 1 British thermal unit = 778.169 foot-pounds

US therm

The US therm is a unit of energy commonly used in the United States to measure natural gas consumption.

Conversion table of US therm
US therm to Kilojoule: 1 US therm = 105480 kilojoules
US therm to Joule: 1 US therm = 1.0548 × 10^8 joules
US therm to Kilocalorie: 1 US therm = 25210.4 kilocalories
US therm to Calorie: 1 US therm = 2.52104 × 10^7 calories
US therm to Kilowatt-hour: 1 US therm = 29.3071 kilowatt-hours
US therm to Watt-hour: 1 US therm = 29307.1 watt-hours
US therm to Electronvolt: 1 US therm = 6.58514 × 10^26 electronvolts
US therm to British thermal unit: 1 US therm = 99976.1 British thermal units
US therm to Foot-pound: 1 US therm = 7.78169 × 10^7 foot-pounds


The foot-pound is a unit of energy commonly used in engineering and mechanics. It represents the amount of energy required to exert a one-pound force over a distance of one foot.

Conversion table of Foot-pound
Foot-pound to Kilojoule: 1 foot-pound = 0.00135582 kilojoules
Foot-pound to Joule: 1 foot-pound = 1.35582 joules
Foot-pound to Kilocalorie: 1 foot-pound = 0.000323831 kilocalories
Foot-pound to Calorie: 1 foot-pound = 323.831 calories
Foot-pound to Kilowatt-hour: 1 foot-pound = 3.76616 × 10^-7 kilowatt-hours
Foot-pound to Watt-hour: 1 foot-pound = 0.000376616 watt-hours
Foot-pound to Electronvolt: 1 foot-pound = 2.69417 × 10^19 electronvolts
Foot-pound to British thermal unit: 1 foot-pound = 0.00128507 British thermal units
Foot-pound to US therm: 1 foot-pound = 1.28507 × 10^-8 US therms


In conclusion, our Energy-Converter provides a powerful and convenient solution for converting energy between different units of energy measurement. Whether you’re working with kilojoule, joule, kilocalorie, calorie, kilowatt-hour, watt-hour, electronvolt, british thermal unit, us therm, or foot-pound, our converter effortlessly handles the task.

With our Energy Converter, you can easily perform conversions such as:

  • Kilojoule to Joule
  • Kilojoule to Kilocalorie
  • Kilojoule to Calorie
  • Kilojoule to Kilowatt-hour
  • Kilojoule to Watt-hour
  • Kilojoule to Electronvolt
  • Kilojoule to British thermal unit
  • Kilojoule to US therm
  • Kilojoule to Foot-pound
  • Joule to Kilojoule
  • Joule to Kilocalorie
  • Joule to Calorie
  • Joule to Kilowatt-hour
  • Joule to Watt-hour
  • Joule to Electronvolt
  • Joule to British thermal unit
  • Joule to US therm
  • Joule to Foot-pound
  • Kilocalorie to Kilojoule
  • Kilocalorie to Joule
  • Kilocalorie to Calorie
  • Kilocalorie to Kilowatt-hour
  • Kilocalorie to Watt-hour
  • Kilocalorie to Electronvolt
  • Kilocalorie to British thermal unit
  • Kilocalorie to US therm
  • Kilocalorie to Foot-pound
  • Calorie to Kilojoule
  • Calorie to Joule
  • Calorie to Kilocalorie
  • Calorie to Kilowatt-hour
  • Calorie to Watt-hour
  • Calorie to Electronvolt
  • Calorie to British thermal unit
  • Calorie to US therm
  • Calorie to Foot-pound
  • Kilowatt-hour to Kilojoule
  • Kilowatt-hour to Joule
  • Kilowatt-hour to Kilocalorie
  • Kilowatt-hour to Calorie
  • Kilowatt-hour to Watt-hour
  • Kilowatt-hour to Electronvolt
  • Kilowatt-hour to British thermal unit
  • Kilowatt-hour to US therm
  • Kilowatt-hour to Foot-pound
  • Watt-hour to Kilojoule
  • Watt-hour to Joule
  • Watt-hour to Kilocalorie
  • Watt-hour to Calorie
  • Watt-hour to Kilowatt-hour
  • Watt-hour to Electronvolt
  • Watt-hour to British thermal unit
  • Watt-hour to US therm
  • Watt-hour to Foot-pound
  • Electronvolt to Kilojoule
  • Electronvolt to Joule
  • Electronvolt to Kilocalorie
  • Electronvolt to Calorie
  • Electronvolt to Kilowatt-hour
  • Electronvolt to Watt-hour
  • Electronvolt to British thermal unit
  • Electronvolt to US therm
  • Electronvolt to Foot-pound
  • British thermal unit to Kilojoule
  • British thermal unit to Joule
  • British thermal unit to Kilocalorie
  • British thermal unit to Calorie
  • British thermal unit to Kilowatt-hour
  • British thermal unit to Watt-hour
  • British thermal unit to Electronvolt
  • British thermal unit to US therm
  • British thermal unit to Foot-pound
  • US therm to Kilojoule
  • US therm to Joule
  • US therm to Kilocalorie
  • US therm to Calorie
  • US therm to Kilowatt-hour
  • US therm to Watt-hour
  • US therm to Electronvolt
  • US therm to British thermal unit
  • US therm to Foot-pound
  • Foot-pound to Kilojoule
  • Foot-pound to Joule
  • Foot-pound to Kilocalorie
  • Foot-pound to Calorie
  • Foot-pound to Kilowatt-hour
  • Foot-pound to Watt-hour
  • Foot-pound to Electronvolt
  • Foot-pound to British thermal unit
  • Foot-pound to US therm
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