Time Converter
Time Converter
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Time Converter

Welcome to the Time Converter! With this powerful tool, you can effortlessly convert between different units of Time measurement. Whether you’re working with Picosecond, Nanosecond, Microsecond, Millisecond, Seconds, Minute, Hour, Days, Weeks, Months, Years, Decades, or Century, our converter has got you covered.

Using our user-friendly interface, simply input the time value in your desired unit, and our converter will swiftly provide you with the equivalent time in all other units. Our Time Converter will simplify your calculations and ensure accuracy.

Discover popular time converters:

Minutes to Hours

To convert minutes to hours, you can divide the number of minutes by 60.

Milliseconds to Minutes

To convert milliseconds to minutes, you can divide the number of milliseconds by 60,000 (since there are 60,000 milliseconds in a minute).

Milliseconds to Seconds

To convert milliseconds to seconds, you can divide the number of milliseconds by 1000.

Seconds to Milliseconds

To convert seconds to milliseconds, you can multiply the number of seconds by 1000

Seconds to Minutes

To convert seconds to minutes, you can divide the number of seconds by 60.

Hours to Minutes

To convert hours to minutes, you can multiply the number of hours by 60.

Hours to Seconds

To convert hours to seconds, you can multiply the number of hours by 3,600 (since there are 3,600 seconds in an hour).

What is Time?

Time is a fundamental concept that helps us measure and understand the sequence and duration of events. Time can be measured in seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, and years, and other.

Fortunately, the advent of time converter tools has simplified the process of converting between different time units. These tools enable users to seamlessly switch between units such as picosecond, nanosecond, microsecond, millisecond, second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year, decade, and century.

Although there are many units of Time, this Time converter only supports:

Time Converter-Calculation Club

  1. Picosecond
  2. Nanosecond
  3. Microsecond
  4. Millisecond
  5. Second
  6. Minute
  7. Hour
  8. Day
  9. Week
  10. Month
  11. Year
  12. Decade
  13. Century


Picosecond (ps) is the smallest unit of time in this list, equal to 1 trillionth of a second. It is so short that it is difficult to measure directly, and is typically used to measure the speed of light and other very fast phenomena.

Conversion table of Picosecond
Picoseconds to Nanoseconds: 1 picosecond = 0.001 nanoseconds
Picoseconds to Microseconds: 1 picosecond = 0.000001 microseconds
Picoseconds to Milliseconds: 1 picosecond = 0.000000001 milliseconds
Picoseconds to Seconds: 1 picosecond = 0.000000000001 seconds
Picoseconds to Minutes: 1 picosecond = 1.66667e-17 minutes
Picoseconds to Hours: 1 picosecond = 2.77778e-19 hours
Picoseconds to Days: 1 picosecond = 1.15741e-20 days
Picoseconds to Weeks: 1 picosecond = 1.65344e-21 weeks
Picoseconds to Months: 1 picosecond = 3.80517e-22 months
Picoseconds to Years: 1 picosecond = 3.17098e-23 years
Picoseconds to Decades: 1 picosecond = 3.17098e-24 decades
Picoseconds to Centuries: 1 picosecond = 3.17098e-25 centuries


Nanosecond (ns) is equal to 1 billionth of a second. It is still a very short unit of time, but it is more commonly used than picoseconds. Nanoseconds are used to measure the speed of computer processors and other electronic devices.

Conversion table of Nanosecond
Nanoseconds to Picoseconds: 1 nanosecond = 1000 picoseconds
Nanoseconds to Microseconds: 1 nanosecond = 0.001 microseconds
Nanoseconds to Milliseconds: 1 nanosecond = 0.000001 milliseconds
Nanoseconds to Seconds: 1 nanosecond = 0.000000001 seconds
Nanoseconds to Minutes: 1 nanosecond = 1.66667e-14 minutes
Nanoseconds to Hours: 1 nanosecond = 2.77778e-16 hours
Nanoseconds to Days: 1 nanosecond = 1.15741e-17 days
Nanoseconds to Weeks: 1 nanosecond = 1.65344e-18 weeks
Nanoseconds to Months: 1 nanosecond = 3.80517e-19 months
Nanoseconds to Years: 1 nanosecond = 3.17098e-20 years
Nanoseconds to Decades: 1 nanosecond = 3.17098e-21 decades
Nanoseconds to Centuries: 1 nanosecond = 3.17098e-22 centuries


Microsecond (µs) is equal to 1 millionth of a second. It is a slightly longer unit of time than nanoseconds, and is often used to measure the time it takes for electronic signals to travel through a circuit.

Conversion table of Microsecond
Microseconds to Picoseconds: 1 microsecond = 1000000 picoseconds
Microseconds to Nanoseconds: 1 microsecond = 1000 nanoseconds
Microseconds to Milliseconds: 1 microsecond = 0.001 milliseconds
Microseconds to Seconds: 1 microsecond = 0.000001 seconds
Microseconds to Minutes: 1 microsecond = 1.66667e-11 minutes
Microseconds to Hours: 1 microsecond = 2.77778e-13 hours
Microseconds to Days: 1 microsecond = 1.15741e-14 days
Microseconds to Weeks: 1 microsecond = 1.65344e-15 weeks
Microseconds to Months: 1 microsecond = 3.80517e-16 months
Microseconds to Years: 1 microsecond = 3.17098e-17 years
Microseconds to Decades: 1 microsecond = 3.17098e-18 decades
Microseconds to Centuries: 1 microsecond = 3.17098e-19 centuries


Millisecond (ms) is equal to 1 thousandth of a second. It is a relatively long unit of time, and is often used to measure the time it takes for a web page to load or for a computer program to run.

Conversion table of Millisecond
Milliseconds to Picoseconds: 1 millisecond = 1000000000 picoseconds
Milliseconds to Nanoseconds: 1 millisecond = 1000000 nanoseconds
Milliseconds to Microseconds: 1 millisecond = 1000 microseconds
Milliseconds to Seconds: 1 millisecond = 0.001 seconds
Milliseconds to Minutes: 1 millisecond = 1.66667e-8 minutes
Milliseconds to Hours: 1 millisecond = 2.77778e-10 hours
Milliseconds to Days: 1 millisecond = 1.15741e-11 days
Milliseconds to Weeks: 1 millisecond = 1.65344e-12 weeks
Milliseconds to Months: 1 millisecond = 3.80517e-13 months
Milliseconds to Years: 1 millisecond = 3.17098e-14 years
Milliseconds to Decades: 1 millisecond = 3.17098e-15 decades
Milliseconds to Centuries: 1 millisecond = 3.17098e-16 centuries


The second (s) is the basic unit of time in the International System of Units (SI). It is equal to 1/60 of a minute, 1/3,600 of an hour, or 1/86,400 of a day.

Conversion table of Second
Seconds to Picoseconds: 1 second = 1000000000000 picoseconds
Seconds to Nanoseconds: 1 second = 1000000000 nanoseconds
Seconds to Microseconds: 1 second = 1000000 microseconds
Seconds to Milliseconds: 1 second = 1000 milliseconds
Seconds to Minutes: 1 second = 0.0166667 minutes
Seconds to Hours: 1 second = 0.000277778 hours
Seconds to Days: 1 second = 1.15741e-5 days
Seconds to Weeks: 1 second = 1.65344e-6 weeks
Seconds to Months: 1 second = 3.80517e-7 months
Seconds to Years: 1 second = 3.17098e-8 years
Seconds to Decades: 1 second = 3.17098e-9 decades
Seconds to Centuries: 1 second = 3.17098e-10 centuries


Minute (min) is equal to 60 seconds. It is a common unit of time used to measure the duration of events, such as sporting events or cooking times.

Conversion table of Minute
Minutes to Picoseconds: 1 minute = 60000000000000 picoseconds
Minutes to Nanoseconds: 1 minute = 60000000000 nanoseconds
Minutes to Microseconds: 1 minute = 60000000 microseconds
Minutes to Milliseconds: 1 minute = 60000 milliseconds
Minutes to Seconds: 1 minute = 60 seconds
Minutes to Hours: 1 minute = 0.0166667 hours
Minutes to Days: 1 minute = 0.000694444 days
Minutes to Weeks: 1 minute = 9.92063e-5 weeks
Minutes to Months: 1 minute = 2.28138e-5 months
Minutes to Years: 1 minute = 1.90133e-6 years
Minutes to Decades: 1 minute = 1.90133e-7 decades
Minutes to Centuries: 1 minute = 1.90133e-8 centuries


Hour (h) is equal to 60 minutes. It is a common unit of time used to measure the duration of the day or to schedule appointments.

Conversion table of Hour
Hour to Picosecond: 1 hour = 3600000000000000 picoseconds
Hour to Nanosecond: 1 hour = 3600000000000 nanoseconds
Hour to Microsecond: 1 hour = 3600000000 microseconds
Hour to Millisecond: 1 hour = 3600000 milliseconds
Hour to Second: 1 hour = 3600 seconds
Hour to Minute: 1 hour = 60 minutes
Hour to Day: 1 hour = 0.0416667 days
Hour to Week: 1 hour = 0.00595238 weeks
Hour to Month: 1 hour = 0.00136986 months
Hour to Year: 1 hour = 0.000114155 years
Hour to Decade: 1 hour = 1.14155e-5 decades
Hour to Century: 1 hour = 1.14155e-6 centuries


Day (d) is equal to 24 hours. It is the basic unit of time used to measure the passage of the Earth around the Sun.

Conversion table of Day
Day to Picosecond: 1 day = 86400000000000000 picoseconds
Day to Nanosecond: 1 day = 86400000000000 nanoseconds
Day to Microsecond: 1 day = 86400000000 microseconds
Day to Millisecond: 1 day = 86400000 milliseconds
Day to Second: 1 day = 86400 seconds
Day to Minute: 1 day = 1440 minutes
Day to Hour: 1 day = 24 hours
Day to Week: 1 day = 0.142857 weeks
Day to Month: 1 day = 0.0328549 months
Day to Year: 1 day = 0.00273791 years
Day to Decade: 1 day = 0.000273791 decades
Day to Century: 1 day = 2.73791e-5 centuries


Week (wk) is equal to 7 days. It is a common unit of time used to schedule appointments or to plan events.

Conversion table of Week
Week to Picosecond: 1 week = 604800000000000000 picoseconds
Week to Nanosecond: 1 week = 604800000000000 nanoseconds
Week to Microsecond: 1 week = 604800000000 microseconds
Week to Millisecond: 1 week = 604800000 milliseconds
Week to Second: 1 week = 604800 seconds
Week to Minute: 1 week = 10080 minutes
Week to Hour: 1 week = 168 hours
Week to Day: 1 week = 7 days
Week to Month: 1 week = 0.229979 months
Week to Year: 1 week = 0.0191653 years
Week to Decade: 1 week = 0.00191653 decades
Week to Century: 1 week = 0.000191653 centuries


The month is equal to 4 weeks or 30 days. It is a common unit of time used to measure the passage of the Moon around the Earth.

Conversion table of Month
Month to Picosecond: 1 month = 2.628e+18 picoseconds
Month to Nanosecond: 1 month = 2.628e+15 nanoseconds
Month to Microsecond: 1 month = 2.628e+12 microseconds
Month to Millisecond: 1 month = 2.628e+9 milliseconds
Month to Second: 1 month = 2.628e+6 seconds
Month to Minute: 1 month = 43800 minutes
Month to Hour: 1 month = 730 hours
Month to Day: 1 month = 30.4167 days
Month to Week: 1 month = 4.34524 weeks
Month to Year: 1 month = 0.0833333 years
Month to Decade: 1 month = 0.00833333 decades
Month to Century: 1 month = 0.000833333 centuries


Year (yr) is equal to 365.2422 days or 52.1775 weeks. It is the basic unit of time used to measure the passage of the Earth around the Sun.

Conversion table of Year
Year to Picosecond: 1 year = 3.154e+19 picoseconds
Year to Nanosecond: 1 year = 3.154e+16 nanoseconds
Year to Microsecond: 1 year = 3.154e+13 microseconds
Year to Millisecond: 1 year = 3.154e+10 milliseconds
Year to Second: 1 year = 3.154e+7 seconds
Year to Minute: 1 year = 525600 minutes
Year to Hour: 1 year = 8760 hours
Year to Day: 1 year = 365 days
Year to Week: 1 year = 52.1429 weeks
Year to Month: 1 year = 12 months
Year to Decade: 1 year = 0.1 decades
Year to Century: 1 year = 0.01 centuries


Decade (dec) is equal to 10 years. It is a common unit of time used to measure the passage of time in a person’s life or in history.

Conversion table of Decade
Decade to Picosecond: 1 decade = 3.154e+20 picoseconds
Decade to Nanosecond: 1 decade = 3.154e+17 nanoseconds
Decade to Microsecond: 1 decade = 3.154e+14 microseconds
Decade to Millisecond: 1 decade = 3.154e+11 milliseconds
Decade to Second: 1 decade = 3.154e+8 seconds
Decade to Minute: 1 decade = 5.256e+6 minutes
Decade to Hour: 1 decade = 87600 hours
Decade to Day: 1 decade = 3650 days
Decade to Week: 1 decade = 521.429 weeks
Decade to Month: 1 decade = 120 months
Decade to Year: 1 decade = 10 years
Decade to Century: 1 decade = 0.1 centuries


Century (c) is equal to 100 years. It is a common unit of time used to measure the passage of time in history.

Conversion table of Century
Century to Picosecond: 1 century = 3.154e+21 picoseconds
Century to Nanosecond: 1 century = 3.154e+18 nanoseconds
Century to Microsecond: 1 century = 3.154e+15 microseconds
Century to Millisecond: 1 century = 3.154e+12 milliseconds
Century to Second: 1 century = 3.154e+9 seconds
Century to Minute: 1 century = 5.256e+7 minutes
Century to Hour: 1 century = 876000 hours
Century to Day: 1 century = 36500 days
Century to Week: 1 century = 5214.29 weeks
Century to Month: 1 century = 1200 months
Century to Year: 1 century = 100 years
Century to Decade: 1 century = 10 decades


In conclusion, our Time Converter provides a powerful and convenient solution for converting time between different units of time measurement. Whether you’re working with picosecond, nanosecond, microsecond, millisecond, second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year, decade, or century, our converter effortlessly handles the task.

With our Time Converter, you can easily perform conversions such as:

  • Picosecond to Nanosecond
  • Picosecond to Microsecond
  • Picosecond to Millisecond
  • Picosecond to Second
  • Picosecond to Minute
  • Picosecond to Hour
  • Picosecond to Day
  • Picosecond to Week
  • Picosecond to Month
  • Picosecond to Year
  • Picosecond to Decade
  • Picosecond to Century
  • Nanosecond to Picosecond
  • Nanosecond to Microsecond
  • Nanosecond to Millisecond
  • Nanosecond to Second
  • Nanosecond to Minute
  • Nanosecond to Hour
  • Nanosecond to Day
  • Nanosecond to Week
  • Nanosecond to Month
  • Nanosecond to Year
  • Nanosecond to Decade
  • Nanosecond to Century
  • Microsecond to Picosecond
  • Microsecond to Nanosecond
  • Microsecond to Millisecond
  • Microsecond to Second
  • Microsecond to Minute
  • Microsecond to Hour
  • Microsecond to Day
  • Microsecond to Week
  • Microsecond to Month
  • Microsecond to Year
  • Microsecond to Decade
  • Microsecond to Century
  • Millisecond to Picosecond
  • Millisecond to Nanosecond
  • Millisecond to Microsecond
  • Millisecond to Second
  • Millisecond to Minute
  • Millisecond to Hour
  • Millisecond to Day
  • Millisecond to Week
  • Millisecond to Month
  • Millisecond to Year
  • Millisecond to Decade
  • Millisecond to Century
  • Second to Picosecond
  • Second to Nanosecond
  • Second to Microsecond
  • Second to Millisecond
  • Second to Minute
  • Second to Hour
  • Second to Day
  • Second to Week
  • Second to Month
  • Second to Year
  • Second to Decade
  • Second to Century
  • Minute to Picosecond
  • Minute to Nanosecond
  • Minute to Microsecond
  • Minute to Millisecond
  • Minute to Second
  • Minute to Hour
  • Minute to Day
  • Minute to Week
  • Minute to Month
  • Minute to Year
  • Minute to Decade
  • Minute to Century
  • Hour to Picosecond
  • Hour to Nanosecond
  • Hour to Microsecond
  • Hour to Millisecond
  • Hour to Second
  • Hour to Minute
  • Hour to Day
  • Hour to Week
  • Hour to Month
  • Hour to Year
  • Hour to Decade
  • Hour to Century
  • Day to Picosecond
  • Day to Nanosecond
  • Day to Microsecond
  • Day to Millisecond
  • Day to Second
  • Day to Minute
  • Day to Hour
  • Day to Week
  • Day to Month
  • Day to Year
  • Day to Decade
  • Day to Century
  • Week to Picosecond
  • Week to Nanosecond
  • Week to Microsecond
  • Week to Millisecond
  • Week to Second
  • Week to Minute
  • Week to Hour
  • Week to Day
  • Week to Month
  • Week to Year
  • Week to Decade
  • Week to Century
  • Month to Picosecond
  • Month to Nanosecond
  • Month to Microsecond
  • Month to Millisecond
  • Month to Second
  • Month to Minute
  • Month to Hour
  • Month to Day
  • Month to Week
  • Month to Year
  • Month to Decade
  • Month to Century
  • Year to Picosecond
  • Year to Nanosecond
  • Year to Microsecond
  • Year to Millisecond
  • Year to Second
  • Year to Minute
  • Year to Hour
  • Year to Day
  • Year to Week
  • Year to Month
  • Year to Decade
  • Year to Century
  • Decade to Picosecond
  • Decade to Nanosecond
  • Decade to Microsecond
  • Decade to Millisecond
  • Decade to Second
  • Decade to Minute
  • Decade to Hour
  • Decade to Day
  • Decade to Week
  • Decade to Month
  • Decade to Year
  • Decade to Century
  • Century to Picosecond
  • Century to Nanosecond
  • Century to Microsecond
  • Century to Millisecond
  • Century to Second
  • Century to Minute
  • Century to Hour
  • Century to Day
  • Century to Week
  • Century to Month
  • Century to Year
  • Century to Decade
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