Add Line Breaks by Keyword
Add Line Breaks by Keyword is a free online tool that helps to break the line wherever a specified keyword appears. Also Users can choose to break the line either before or after the keyword.
Add Line Breaks by Keyword is a free online tool that helps to break the line wherever a specified keyword appears. Also Users can choose to break the line either before or after the keyword.
Add Line Break by Length is a free online tool that adds line breaks at specific lengths to the given text. Users can set the line length, defining the maximum characters allowed per line.
Add Line Numbers is a free online tool that helps to assign numbers to all specific lines with a variety of separator styles, including Comma (,), Semicolon (;), Hyphen (-), Dot (.), and Space () of the given text.
Remove specific letter is a free online tool that helps to remove specific letter from the given text. It also shows the number of times words have been removed from the input text.
Remove Letter Accents is a free online tool which helps to remove all the accents letter from the given text. it also shows the number of removed accents letter from given text.
Remove Duplicate Lines is a free online tool which helps to remove all the duplicate lines from the given text. it also shows the number of removed duplicate lines from given text.
Remove Extra Empty Lines is a free online tool which helps to remove all the extra empty lines from the given text. it also shows the number of removed extra empty lines from given text.
Remove Empty Lines is a free online tool which helps to remove all the empty lines from the given text. it also shows the number of removed empty lines from given text.
Remove Line Breaks is a free online tool which helps to remove all the line breaks from the given text. it also shows the number of removed line breaks from given text.
Remove Extra Spaces is a free online tool which helps to remove all the extra spaces from the given text. it also shows the number of extra spaces present in the given text.
Remove Spaces is a free online tool which helps to remove all the spaces from the given text. it also shows the number of spaces present in the given text.
If you’re looking to count the number of a specific character in a given text, then our ‘Specific Character Counter’ tool is perfect for you. Try for more features.
Our Character Count Online tool counts total characters, including symbols, numbers, letters, spaces, and line breaks, & also shows individual character counts.
Case Converter: Free tool for converting text to lowercase, uppercase, and five other cases with ten counting options. Try it for additional features.
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