Chronological Age Calculator | Date of Birth Calculator
To find your age between a given date and your birthdate, use our free “Chronological Age Calculator” tool. There will be multiple ways to view the results: including years-months-days, months-days, weeks-days, days, minutes, and seconds.
Our chronological age calculator tool provides accurate results because, during its development, we thoroughly tested most of the top search results tools and found that all tools give wrong answers when a specific date is input.
Additionally, you can utilize this tool to calculate the time duration between two dates in different units like years-months-days, months-days, weeks-days, days, minutes, and seconds.
Our Date Of Birth Calculator ensures precise age calculations with a 100% accuracy guarantee. Unlike some of the top search results on Google, which may not provide entirely accurate results, our tool stands out. As a demonstration, we’ve even created a video highlighting the inaccuracies of other calculators; you can watch it by clicking here.
Our Date Of Birth Calculator offers a comprehensive range of results, including age in years, months, and days, months and days, weeks and days, days, minutes, and seconds. If you find our calculator useful, please consider sharing it with your friends and family to help them access accurate age calculations as well.
Step-by-Step Guide to Using the Chronological Age Calculator
First, Enter the Date of Birth
- Enter the month of birth
- Enter the day of birth
- Enter the year of birth
Second, Enter the date at which you want to calculate the age
- Enter the month.
- Enter the day of the month.
- Enter the year.
Finally, click the “Calculate Age” button to get your age in various options, including years-months-days, months-days, weeks-days, days, minutes, and seconds.
Copy the Result: To copy the results for further use, click on the notebook icon (‘📋’) next to the result format you want to copy. This will copy the result to your clipboard, allowing you to paste it elsewhere.
Clear the Fields: To start as new, click the “Clear” button. This will reset all input fields and result values to zero.

Date Formatting Styles Around the World
US Date Formatting (MM/DD/YYYY): In the United States, dates are typically written in the Month/Day/Year format. For example, “07/04/2023” represents July 4, 2023. This format starts with the month, followed by the day and year. It’s unique to the US and can be perplexing in international contexts.
European Date Formatting (DD/MM/YYYY): Most European countries use the Day/Month/Year format. For instance, “04/07/2023” signifies April 7, 2023. This style places the day first, followed by the month and year. It is widely adopted across Europe and several other parts of the world.
International Date Formatting (YYYY-MM-DD): The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) recommends the YYYY-MM-DD format for global communication. In this format, the year comes first, followed by the month and then the day. For example, “2023-07-04” represents July 4, 2023. This style minimizes ambiguity and is favored internationally.
In summary, our free Chronological Age Calculator tool offers accurate age calculations between your date of birth and a chosen date, with results presented in multiple formats. Unlike many other tools, we’ve thoroughly tested ours for accuracy.
Here’s a simple guide to using it:
- Input your Date of Birth.
- Specify the Date for Age Calculation.
- Click “Calculate Age” to get your results.
- Copy or clear your results as needed.
Our tool provides accurate age data and is versatile for calculating time durations between dates.
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