Convert Time To Decimal

Convert Time To Decimal
Total Hours:0
Total Minutes:0
Total Seconds:0
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Convert Time to Decimal

Use our free Convert Time to Decimal which helps to convert time from hh:mm:ss format into total hours in decimal, or total minutes in decimal, or total seconds in decimal. Within this user-friendly tool, you can easily set the current time by simply clicking on the clock icon (‘🕐’) in the 24-hour format. Unlike some other calculators, there are no restrictions on the input for hours, minutes, or seconds in our Time to Decimal Calculator.
Additionally, you have the option to copy the result with a single click on the notebook icon (‘📋’) in the result section. For a fresh start with the calculator, you can simply press the clear button.

This calculator offers the added functionality to convert not only time in hh:mm:ss format into decimal hours, decimal minutes, or decimal seconds but also enables the conversion of seconds into decimal hours or decimal minutes, along with the ability to convert minutes into decimal hours.

Convert Time To Decimal

Step-by-Step Guide to Using ‘Convert Time to Decimal’

1. Set the Time
If you want to set the current time, simply click the clock icon (‘🕐’) to automatically fill the current time in hours, minutes, and seconds.
If you don’t use the current time, manually enter the time components in the input fields provided:

  • In the “Hours” field, input the number of hours.
  • In the “Minutes” field, input the number of minutes.
  • In the “Seconds” field, input the number of seconds.

2. Convert the Time
After entering the time components, click the “Convert” button. This will calculate and display the converted time in three formats: total hours in decimal, total minutes in decimal, and total seconds in decimal.

3. Copy the Result
If you wish to copy the converted time for further use, simply click on the notebook icon (‘📋’) next to the result you want to copy. This will copy the result to your clipboard, allowing you to paste it elsewhere.

4. Clear the Fields
If you want to start over or enter a different time, you can click the “Clear” button. This will clear all the input fields and reset the result values to zero.

How to Convert Time to Decimal

To convert time to decimal, let’s consider an example:
Example: What is the decimal representation of the time 3 hours, 30 minutes, and 45 seconds?
Before performing the conversion, it’s important to remember the following relationships:

  • 1 hour is equivalent to 60 minutes.
  • 1 hour is equivalent to 3600 seconds.
  • 1 minute is equivalent to 60 seconds.
  • 1 minute is equivalent to 1/60 of an hour.
  • 1 second is equivalent to 1/3600 of an hour.
  • 1 second is equivalent to 1/60 of a minute.

Convert Time Into Total Hours

To convert the time into total hours, you can use this formula:
Total hours = hours + (minutes / 60) + (seconds / 3600)
In this case:

  • Hours = 5
  • Minutes = 28
  • Seconds = 31

Total hours = 5 + (28 / 60) + (31 / 3600)
Total hours = 5 + 0.466666 + 0.008611
Total hours ≈ 5.475271 hours

So, the time 5:28:31 is approximately equivalent to 5.4753 hours when converted into total hours.

Convert Time Into Total Minutes

To convert the time into total minutes, you can use this formula:

Total Minutes = (Hours * 60) + Minutes + (Seconds / 60)

In this case:

  • Hours = 5
  • Minutes = 28
  • Seconds = 31

Total Minutes = (5 * 60) + 28 + (31/ 60)
Total Minutes = 300 + 28 + 0.5166666
Total Minutes ≈ 328.5166666 minutes

So, the time 5:28:31 is approximately equivalent to 328.5167 minutes when converted into total minutes.

Convert Time Into Total Seconds

To convert the time into total seconds, you can use this calculation:

Total Seconds = (Hours * 3600) + (Minutes * 60) + Seconds

In this case:

  • Hours = 5
  • Minutes = 28
  • Seconds = 31

Total Seconds = (5 * 3600) + (28 * 60) + 31
Total Seconds = 18,000 + 1,680 + 31
Total Seconds = 19,711 seconds

So, the time 5:28:31 is equivalent to 19,711 seconds when converted into total seconds.


In summary, our Time to Decimal Calculator provides a convenient solution for converting time from the hh:mm:ss format into total hours, total minutes, and total seconds in decimal. This user-friendly tool allows you to input time values without any restrictions on hours, minutes, or seconds. You can also copy the converted results for further use with a simple click.

Our Time to Decimal Calculator simplifies the process of working with time, making it a valuable tool for various applications.

To access the Decimal to Time Calculator: click here

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